species are members of the Cactus family and are native
to South America.
They are also known by the names of Easter lily cactus or Sea Urchin cactus.
Echinopsis have thick, rounded, fleshy stems, densely covered with stout prickles.
The echinopsis flowers , which are produced in summer, are large and very ornamental.
At the base the flowers are in the form of a tube which spreads out at the top into numerous petals.
A compost of four parts of loam, and one part silver sand and crushed brick is the most suitable for growing this cactus.
Large pots are not necessary; it is best to set them in pots just large enough to hold the roots of the plant.
Repotting echinopsis, when it becomes necessary, is done in April, when they are set in slightly larger pots.
Echinopsis are grown in a greenhouse or conseravtory with a minimum winter temperature of 45 degrees.
Free ventilation and full sunlight are essential for the sucessful cultivation of this species of cactus.
During the summer months the soil should be kept moist, but throughout the winter echinopsis need very little watering.
A rest from watering during the winter is essential for the development of the beautiful large flowers which echinopsis produce in summer.
Echinopsis are easy plants to propagate from seeds or cuttings.
Propagation is by sowing seeds in a pot of sandy soil in a warm greenhouse in summer.
Cuttings of echinopsis may be taken at the same time also be inserted into the same type of compost or soil
E. Eyriesii, white; E. Pentlandii, red; and E. oxygonus, pink, are the chief kinds.
Advice about growing the flowering cactus Echinopsis - also known as Easter Lily or Sea Urchin cactus. How to cultivate and propagate by taking cuttings or sowing seed.