Coreopsis belong to the Daisy family and are also known
by the names Tickseed and Calliopsis.
It is a popular cottage garden flower.
These long-stemmed, hardy annual and perennial plants deserve to be grown in the flower garden on account of their showy summer blooms in yellow shades.
The flower heads are single or sometimes in branched clusters, some varieties of coreopsis have double flowers.
Coreopsis will grow well in a sunny place in ordinary garden soil.
The most popular type of coreopsis is C. grandiflora, the golden yellow flowers of which provide a brilliant display of colour into the garden in July-August.
Coreopsis grandiflora is generally treated as a biennial, and seeds are sown in boxes of soil or on a prepared bed out of doors in July.
In October the seedlings are planted out where they are to remain. Similar cultivation is required by C. auriculata superba and C. lanceolata.
Seeds of the annual kinds, which bear yellow flowers or yellow flowers marked with crimson or dark crimson, are sown out of doors in March-April where the plants are to bloom.
The seedlings require to be thinned out to 6 inches apart -unless they are given full room for development the annual Coreopsis will grow into weakly plants and prove to be disappointing.
If, on the other hand, the coreopsis plants are well thinned out they will make good growth and yield a profusion of flowers.
Advice about growing Coreopsis a longstemmed member of the Daisy family suitable for the cottage garden, also known by the names Tickseed and Calliopsis - hardy annual, biennial and perennial plants