The vivid colours of the achilleas are suitable for hot, Mediterranean inspired colour schemes.
The flat flowerheads of achillea are complemented by spikes of yellow mulleins and red, blue or violet salvias.
Some of the ornamental grasses also make good planting companions.
Achillea are hardy perennial plants suitable for the
herbaceous border and the rock garden.
They are easily grown and most of them will flourish in poor soil.
Varieties of achillea vary in height from 6 in to 3 ft
Achillea have attractive, fern like leaves, and bear clusters of single or double, small, daisy like flowers in summer.
Most varieties of achillea or yarrrow grow wild in the countries of Southern Europe.
Achillea belong to the Daisy family - Compositae.
The tall kinds of achillea are excellent plants for the herbaceous border where they should be planted in autumn, or in early spring, in ordinary soil.
They spread quickly and are easily propagated by detaching rooted pieces in autumn or spring. The stems of the plants must be carefully supported by sticks in early summer.
The double white varieties of Achillea Ptarmica named The Pearl and Perry’s White, 2—3 ft. high, with small flowers borne profusely in loose sprays, are favonrites for the herbaceous border and for cutting from June till August.
The coloured varieties of A. Milled folium, the common weed called Yarrow, especially Cerise Queen with a rose-red flower are good for the front of the border.
Achillea filipendulina (Eupatoriom) grows 3—4 ft. tall and bears large heads of bright yellow flowers. Especially good varieties of this are Gold Plate and Wallis which have exceptionally large flower heads.
The rock garden types of achillea are pretty, low-growing plants with grey leaves and white or yellow flowers in small flat bunches or corymbs.
They should be planted in autumn or in spring in poor sandy or stony loamy soil in a dry, sunny place; the addition of a little mortar rubble is beneficial.
In winter it is advisable to cover the woolly leaved types of achillea with pieces of glass raised on wires about 6 in. above the plants; without this protection the plants are liable to perish in excessively wet weather.
The best rock garden kinds of achillea are:
Achillea Ageratifolia, 4 inches high with grey.white leaves and white flowers.
Achillea Clavennae, Seneca and Ombellata, which have grey-white leaves and white flowers.
Achillea Tomentosa; 10 to 12 inches high., with green leaves and yellow flowers.
Achillea Ropestris growing to a height of 4 inches with green leaves and white flowers, and the hybrid named King Edward, sulphur-yellow, 9 inches high
All bloom in June to July.
Cuttings of young shoots are taken in summer.
Achillea - Propagation and cultivation of hardy perennial flowers and plants for herbaceous borders, Cottage Gardens and rock gardens.