Many people ask "What are good herbs to grow indoors".
A fresh supply of herbs on the kitchen windowsill is not only a wonderful source of flavourings for the cook just a quick snip away, but indoor herbs can also provide a wonderful scent throughout the home.
You can grow a wide variety of culinary herbs
indoors. Start out with the basic herbs such as Basil,
Coriander or Cilantro, Chives, Thyme and Parsley.
Chives are a very good herb to grow indoors so that you always have fresh chives nearby ready to snip to add to salads, sandwiches or sauces.
A pot of Basil thrives well in a sunny location. Pinch out the tops to encourage to become bushy and produce more stems. Pinch out any flower buds on Basil plants as they appear to give a longer growing period.
Herbs such as Sage, Thyme and Rosemary can be grown indoors in pots, but after time they will need to be transplanted in the garden or into larger patio pots as they can grow into large woody shrubs.
Mint can be grown in a large pot - but mint plants do like to spread their roots.
Lemongrass is a very easy herb to grow indoors. Buy Lemon grass stems or stalks from a good supermarket, trim off the top and place the stem into a jar or vase with a couple of inches of water in.
If the base of the Lemongrass is intact the stalk should soon produce roots plenty of new Lemongrass shoots and stalks.
Oregano can be grown indoors, but it does require 6 - 8 hours of sunlight each day, so make sure that you grow oregano on a well lit window sill, or in a conservatory.
Chili Peppers are an attractive plant to grow on a windowsill and will provide a large quantity of lovely hot chillis!
Mixed Salad Leaves , although not strictly classed as a herb, are also good to grow on a windowsill for fresh salad all year round.
An advantage of growing herb plants on your windowsill is that you can micro-manage you herb plants very easily.
They make cheap, fragant houseplants.
The best thing is of course that you will always have fresh herbs ready for adding to meals without the need for a trip to the end of the garden or the supermarket!
Advice about the best choice of herbs to grow indoors on a windowsill. Growing Basil, Coriander, Parsley in the Kitchen or Conservatory