Spring - Feeding Apply bonemeal as the crocus flowers fade. Leave the foliage uncut and allow to fully die back naturally to return nutrients to the corm.
Summer -
Buy crocus corms by catalogue early to receive them in time for planting.
Plant spring flowering crocuses up until the first frost.
Corms can be divided to make new crocus plants.
Blue Bird
Blue Pearl
Laevigatus Fontenayi
President Lincoln
Rubi Giant
Snow Bunting Whitewell Purple
Always buy firm plump corms in late summer or early autumn
Avoid any crocus corms or bulbs that feel soft to the touch.
Discard any corms that are damaged, have spots on or that already have signs of growth.
are hardy plants belonging to the Amaryllis family and are native plants
chiefly of the Mediterranean region.
No garden, however small, can be considered complete without a show of crocus flowers in the springtime - in large gardens they are indispensable.
In the rock garden, on a narrow, sunny border, and on grassy slopes they are a source of beauty and interest.
Crocuses grow and flower freely in ordinary well-cultivated garden soil. The are usually grown from corms or bulbs.
Crocus plants can be cultivated in flower-beds and borders, sunny window-boxes, pots and bowls in greenhouses, window sills indoors and naturalised in grass.
When the, ground is being prepared for crocuses, it is a good plan to dig in some leaf-mould.
If the soil is at all heavy, plenty of grit should be worked in, as these crocus bulbs flourish best in well-drained soil.
When planting crocus corms in grass, it is usual to make holes with an iron bar or bulb planter. The holes for the crocus bulbs should be 5-6 inches deep to allow 2-3 inches of sandy soil being put in the bottom before planting.
Early planting of the spring crocus is important.
The autumn-flowering kinds of crocus plants should be planted in July or the beginning of August.
The winter-flowering varieties of crocus should be planted from July to September, and the spring flowering crocuses from August to October.
Crocus should always be set in a sunny position - crocus flowers do not open properly or show their full beauty in the shade.
Expert advice is that for best results crocus should be planted in well drained soil - they hate to get their roots wet.
planted, Crocus bulbs need not be disturbed for some years. in fact, as
long as they flower freely, unless an increased stock is desired, they
should be left alone.
When crocuses are planted in grass, they are difficult to find and it damages the grass looking for them; in any case, crocus bulbs are cheap to buy.
Propagation is effected by lifting the corms as soon as the leaves have died down, and separating them for replanting.
Or seeds may be sown in pots or boxes of sandy soil in autumn and placed in a cold frame.
The seedlings grow very slowly, and do not flower for several years.
For mass planting, crocus bulbs or corms can be obtained cheaply, and in separate colours.
There are purple, white, yellow and striped varieties.
Group planting of crocuses is much more striking in its effect when the bulbs are planted according to their colours, rather than'mixed.
The large-flowered varieties of crocus ought to be chosen for. window-boxes, for pots and bowls in the greenhouse or indoors - and for groups in the flower border.
These are some of the finest types of crocuses : Bleu Celeste, pale blue; Hero, purple; Margot, pale lavender veined with lilac, and President Lincoln, dark purple.
For spring flowering, the beautiful, golden yellow Crocus susianus, or Cloth of Gold, which blooms in February-March, is one of the finest.
Advice about how to grow healthy crocus plants and produce masses of spring colour with crocus flowers from bulbs, corms or seed. When and how to plant, buy and care for crocuses. Naturalise Crocus Bulbs.