Barletta Silverskin
Small Paris Silverskin
Giant Zittau
Improved Queen
White Queen
Covent Garden Pearl
Onions are a kitchen favourite - but there is no need to buy
pickling onions it is easy to grow your own when you know how!
The best varieties of onion specially suitable for pickling include Barletta Silverskin, Small Paris Silverskin, Giant Zittau, Improved Queen, White Queen, Purplette and Covent Garden Pearl.
Seeds for these varieties of pickling onions can be bought from seed suppliers or garden centres.
The onion seed should be sown very thinly in drills 7 inches apart in early April.
The ground need not be specially manured for them.
The onion seedlings are not thinned out, as the onion bulbs are intended to only grow to a useful pickling size.
Keep a watch for onion flies
A March to April sowing will produce an early summer crop of onion bulbs from 1 - 2 inches in diameter.
Pickling onions can also be sown in July, for a later crop in the same year.
Most types of onion that are suitable for the pickle jar are also good to use as salad onions in salads.
If there is no room for a pickling onion sowing, small onion bulbs suitable for the purpose can be selected from the main onion crop when it is lifted.
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Growing onions for pickling, silverskin, pickled onion