Chives, Allium tuberosum , are also known as Chinese
Chives or Chinese Leek.
This pretty herb which is a member of the onion family, has starry white flowers on tall stems, with broad dark green leaves.
Garlic Chives grow to a height of 18 inches - about twice the height of their more commonly grown pink flowered cousins.
As the name suggests the broad flat green leaves of this herb have a sweet flavour of garlic.
Growing Garlic Chives is very popular in China, Japan and Korea where they are a common ingredient in stir frys, soups and chinese dumplings.
The white flowers, which appear in August, can also be used as a spice.
garlic chive seeds during the spring in a cool greenhouse
- at a temperature of about 12° C / 54° F.
The seeds can also be grown in a pot on a bright windowsill.
Transfer the herb seedlings to trays or individual flower pots as soon as the young plants are large enough to handle.
Alternatively sow the seeds in a drill half an inch / 1 cm deep in June. Thin the seedlings to 6 inches apart a month later in July.
Move the garlic chives to their permanent positions in a moist, but well drained light soil in a sunny position the following autumn.
Cut the leaves of garlic chives in as required between April and September.
Add to salads, stir frys, soups and stews for a subtle sweet garlic flavour - but don't overcook or you will lose the flavour!
The plants can be divided during early spring to provide new plants in other areas of the garden.
Plant garlic chives in flower borders as well as the herb garden or vegetable garden.