Victoria Long Standing - will produce thick , dark green foliage;
Viroflay - will produce smooth round leaves;
Nobel - a heavy cropper and produces large , fleshy leaves.
Standwell will produce large succulent leaves;
Greenmarket -resistant to disease and is slow to run to seed;
Broad leaved Prickly - a hardy spinach and good cropper.
Thought to be of Persian origin, spinach was once grown for medical purposes only. Now it is very popular in vegetable gardens and allotments.
There are various kinds of spinach, and if sown successively it is possible to have spinach available all year round.
Rich in iron, and full of flavour, spinach only needs a few minutes cooking in a small amount of water.
It is best grown on moisture holding soils. So if your soil is light, work in some holding material such as compost or decayed manure.
Summer spinach tends to run to seed quickly on light soil.
Quick growth is what is needed so apply a liquid fertilizer along the rows once the plants are growing well.
Sow summer spinach in early March.
Make the drills 20mm deep and 30cm apart.
Cover and firm the seeds down.
If the weather is very dry, first soak the seed in water for about twelve hours.
Thin the seedlings as they come up and use the thinnings in your salads.
If the spinach starts to run to seed it is best to pull them up.
If you want to make further sowings then do that at fourteen day intervals.
Summer spinach can be picked quite hard.
Sow winter spinach from mid-August to mid- September, preferably on raised beds about 8cm to provide good drainage.
Thin Spinach plants early to 13-15cm apart.
If you leave them too close they are liable to run to seed.
Winter spinach must not be picked too hard.
Pick the outer leaves of spinach only and this will ensure a regular supply of fresh tender spinach leaves.
In colder areas protect Spinach with straw or bracken placed between the rows, or cloches.
Virus disease – distorted leaves, striped, mottled or blotched. Burn affected spinach plants.
Leaf spot- oval or round brown spots appear on the leaves. Remove and burn affected spinach leaves
Mildew - Yellow blotches on upper sides of leaves - the undersides have a greyish or white furry coating. Make sure that crops are rotated.
Thin out the spinach plants and spray with zineb or an organic equivalent.
Birds and aphids will attack crops of spinach.
Advice about how to grow Spinach in the vegetable garden