Horseradish - Armoracia rusticana, Cochlearia armoracia, is a perennial herb of the Brassicaceae family - this includes cabbages, broccoli, mustard and wasabi.
Horseradish is native to Western Asia and South East Europe.
It can grow to a height of 5 feet.
Horse radish is grown for its large spicy white, tapered root and used to make hot horseradish sauce.
Trench the ground in late autumn to a depth of 2 to 3 feet
Apply very little manure, as a heavy dressing encourages a tendency for the horseradish roots to fork.
Plant horse radish in early spring for harvesting that year or plant in autumn for harvesting the year after.
Take up some old roots - if you have not grown horseradish before you may be able to find someone on a local allotment who is willing to give you some.
Cut off the crowns of the horseradish about 14 inches long, and remove all fibrous roots.
Next, with a dibber, which is marked 2 ft from the lower end
- that being the depth the horseradish crowns are to be planted. Make
holes 10 to 12 inches apart in rows 18 inches apart.
This done, take a lath stick split at the end, insert the horseradish crown in the slit, thrust it down to the bottom of the hole, and push it out by another stick which is thrust down for the purpose.
It is unnecessary to fill up the holes, as they gradually fill as the horseradish nears the surface.
Horseradish seed can be sown in the early spring.
When the seedlings appear thin the horseradish plants to 12 inches apart.
Keep horseradish plants well watered.
If a fresh row is planted every spring, and another taken up, the crop will be kept in good condition, and a fresh piece of improved ground offered every year for other crops.
The horseradish roots will be ready for digging in November two years after planting, when the roots should be dug up and stored in sand until required.
By digging up all the roots, you will prevent horseradish from getting out of control and becoming a weed that takes over your garden.
Enjoy horseradish root grated over beef or made into homemade horseradish sauce.
How to grow spicy horseradish roots as a herb in the vegetable garden