Tips on buying topsoil:

Stay away from topsoil that is heavy in clay or sand .

The best way to judge is to pick up a handful of the soil and feel it.

If the soil clumps up into a ball it contains too much clay, If the soil falls apart it contains too much sand.

A good topsoil should be crumbly and feel smooth to the touch - what is known as a good tilth.

Unless its been severely compacted a the best garden topsoil is made up of about 50% air space.

Ideally half of this air space in the topsoil is filled with water.

Find a supplier of topsoil in Bedfordshire here!



Buy topsoil on Amazon

Where to buy Topsoil in Bedfordshire. If you want to buy screened, loose or bagged topsoil in Beds for landscaping, lawns, vegetable plots and all types of commercial and domestic gardens we have top soil suppliers, retailers, sellers and wholesalers listed with topsoil for sale in Bedford, Leighton Buzzard, Letchworth, Milton Keynes, Stoke Hammond in Bedfordshire UK.

Bedford Turf Supplies - Bedford

Suppliers of Fertilized and Weed Treated Top Soil.
8 Dane Lane, Wilstead, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK45 3HT
Phone: 01234 741502

Bletchley Turf and Topsoil Suppliers - Milton Keynes

Burnell Farm Drayton Road, Stoke Hammond, Milton Keynes, Bedfordshire, MK17 0ED Phone: 01908 372385

Bolton Turf Supplies

40, Partridge Piece, Cranfield, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK43 0BP
Phone: 01234 751246

Brian West and Son Topsoil - Milton Keynes

Brooklands, Milton Keynes, Bedfordshire MK16 9HG
Phone: 01908 611020

Buttles - Leighton Buzzard

Bedfordshire Topsoil
Grovebury Rd, Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 8TD
Email: Phone: 01727 834242

Cottage Farm Nurseries - Bedford

Cople Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK44 3SH
Telephone: 01234 838383

Ivinghoe Turf - Leighton Buzzard

Suppliers of Turf and Blended Topsoil
The Bungalow, Vicarage Farm, Ivinghoe, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 9DY
Email: Phone: 0800 0435061

G Moore Haulage - Kempston Hardwick

G Moore offer Topsoil from one ton loads up to larger amounts for Domestic and Commercial use.
Manor Road,Kempston Hardwick, Bedfordshire MK43 9NT
Phone: 01234 851731 / 01234 852130

Jewson - Letchworth

Topsoil Suppliers
Arden Press Way, Letchworth, Bedfordshire SG6 1HG
Phone: 01462 678441

Where to find a topsoil supplier in Bedfordshire. Suppliers of garden top soil in Bedfordshire.

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