Sow Thift seed.
Increase plants by division.
Apply a light dressing of fertiliser to promote healthy growth.
Remove dead flower heads from Thrift to prolong flowering.
Take cuttings to propagate new Thrift plants.
Thrift (Armeria)
plants are tufted hardy perennials with narrow, grass-like leaves
arid heads of small pink flowers. Thrift is also sometimes called Sea
Thrift or Sea Pink is a native of the mountains of Spain and is found growing naturally along the seashores of Europe.
Thrift produces flowers in spring and has red and white flowered varieties as well as the familiar, rather pale pink form.
Thrift is an admirable plant to grow in the rock garden.
The Common Thrift (A. maritima) is a seaside plant found in stony places and with stems no mare than 6 inches high.
A much bigger plant, known as Bee's Ruby, is useful for the front of the herbaceous border and carries its heads of carmine flowers on 15 inch stems during late summer and early spring in May and June.
The smallest variety of Thrift is the Stemless Thrift (A. caespitosa), the very pale pink flower clusters of which sit closely on the tuffet of grassy leaves.
Rubrifolia is a Thrift which has bright rose-pink flowers and maroon foliage .
Vindictive has deep pink flowers produced on 6 inch stems.
Alba is a white flowered variety of Thrift
Thrift is a drought tolerant plant that grows well in sunny, well-drained sites in the garden. It is particularly suited for growing in a rock garden on in shingle, pebbles and pebbled beaches.
Thrift requires full sun all day. It is very suitable as a seaside plant as it can tolerate windy conditions and salty air.
Thrift or Sea Pink grows in any kind of well drained soil. If your soil is not well drained then mix sharp sand into the soil to improve drainage.
All different varieties of Thrift can be increased by division in spring.
Seed can be sown in Spring, and cuttings taken during the sSummer months
Advice about growing hardy perennial Thrift also known as Sea Pink and Armeria - a drought tolerant seaside plant