Fuchsia Magellanica: Makes a very good hedge -Flowering from mid summer to autumn with red flowers. It grows to a height of 3metres / 10 feet.
Riccartonii: Has a large number of single flowers with a scarlet tube and deep purple corolla grows to a height of 1.8 metres / 6 feet.
Tom Thumb: A dwarf fuchsia with single flowers of crimson and mauve growing to about 23cm / 9 inches high.
Madame Cornelissen: Semi-double scarlet and white flowers - grows to at 30 cm / 75 inches high - useful as a low flowering hedge.
There are several kinds of Fuchsias which are hardy enough
to be grown out of doors.
Fuschia plants grow very well in the south and west counties of England, as shown by the very beautiful Fuchsia hedges to be seen in Devon and Cornwall.
In colder parts of Britain Fuchsias should be planted in a warm and sheltered position in vell-drained soil.
They should be protected in the winter with fleece or coal ashes.
The flowering season of the hardy Fuchsias is from July to late September. The chief hardy kinds are Fuchsia Riccartonii and F. corallina, both red.
Hardy Fuchsias thrive in ordinary garden soil, which should be well dug and manured prior to planting.
It is advantageous to add leaf-mould to heavy land.
Fuchsias should be pruned in spring.
Long, thin branches should be shortened and weak ones removed.
If old branches of the fuchsia plant have suffered from the frost, they must be cut off near the ground.
If the fuchsia plants have not been too badly damaged the branches need only be cut back as far as the sound, undamaged portions.
Propagation of fuchsias is by cuttings, which should be taken during July and August.
The fuchsia cuttings should be inserted for a few weeks in sandy soil in a closed frame, or they may be covered with a bell-glass or hand-light.
Once rooted, the cuttings should be potted on separately in small pots.
Fuchsias also make excellent standards.
Allow one stem from a young fuchsia plant to grow upwards and pinch out any side shoots as they appear.
Once the main stem of the fuchsia plant has reached the required height let 3 pairs of leaves grow at the top of the plant, then as these develop pinch out to make bushy growth.
Attractive varieties of fuschia plant with double flowers are Ballet Girl - white sepals and red corolla; Fascination - red sepals, rose pink corolla; Nautilus -carmine sepals, white corolla.
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Advice about How to grow Hardy Fuchsias. Growing Fuchsias as Standards, Fuchsias with double flowers, Pruning and propagating Fuchsia,taking Fuchsia cuttings.